
Home Garden Update

Happy Saturday Readers!

It has been a beautiful day filled with sweat and weed pulling!  This year I am very excited with how my garden is coming along.  A little more dedication on my part has really paid off.


The rundown…Back to front.

White Onion.

I tried starting onion from seed last year and was not very successful.  They seemed to always be weaker than those I purchase from the local market.  This year we started with two bundles of white onion and are excited to harvest some in the next few weeks.


I love to pickle a few jars every year using my Mom’s recipe.  They are delicious! Stay tuned for a future blog post.


For some reason we have a heck of a time growing carrots around here.  I had almost 20% of what I planted come through.  I have been given a few ideas to try next year but feel free to leave your ideas in the comment’s section below.


Mesclun Green’s

HOLY GREENS! I am ready to harvest these greens for the third time this summer! When I chop them off a few inches above the ground they reproduce in a matter of days.  I highly recomend this mix 🙂

6 Broccoli Plants

These are looking fantastic! They are not quite ready to set a broccoli head yet. I am excited to harvest these in a week or two.

5 Cabbage Plants

The cabbage is growing incredibly well this year.  At this point the cabbage heads are just beginning to form.    I can’t wait for some fresh slaw 🙂

4 Tomato Plants

These plants have grown at least a foot in the last two weeks and are flowering right now! We plan to make salsa again this year with these amazing blue ribbon tomato’s.

4 Bell Pepper Bunches

I tried something new this year with advice from my aunt with a green thumb.  I bunched my pepper plants into groups of three.  She has had great luck with this and I am hoping for the same.  I was a bit late planting these guys so they are a little behind.  Never the less, these will contribute to our salsa making party!

Green Beans

I feel like I should refer to these guys as little army men! With their leaves munched off at least two times this summer by rabbits they are still growing strong.

FUN FACT:  Green Beans are a broad leaf legume type of plant. These types consist of multiple growing points (area on the plant that can produce vegetative growth). When the main growing point at the top of the plant is disturbed or destroyed a lower auxiliary growing point will assume the responsibility of growing the plant and shoot out a leaf …. TADA! He is still alive!


That sums up my update for the garden here at home.  We do have another garden filled with tomato’s and peppers at another farm and they are doing great as well!

Stay tuned to my harvest blog post for recipe’s and more!


Don’t go through life, GROW through life     – ERIC BUTTERWORTH


One thought on “Home Garden Update

  1. Your Early Blue Ribbon tomato plant is my first to ripen. Think I’m going to love the Amish Paste for salsa, hardly any seeds. Learning to love salsa, so wondering who has the BEST recipe!! Should have planted some jalapenos so will visit the Eden Gardens in Storm Lake where you can harvest someone’s produce, just for weeding or a donation. An inspirational place just like the name.
    Next year, plant your carrots, water, lay a big board over them, watch often until they sprout and remove, water MORE when young, mulch and tada, yum! Keep on Gardening, good for the body and soul! Hugs to You,

    Liked by 1 person

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